Aldatmayı itiraf ederken sikimi okşadı
494,399 97%
4 yıl önce
commonTo Gonenova : Sort of detected that. My wife and I talk about this black guy she used to work with that she admits she had a thing for and is interested in sleeping with him. There are times where she gets quiet and others where she can't stop talking about him.
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commonTo ntiknik781 : My wife does this to me while telling me what she would let Isaac a former black coworker of hers do to her in bed.
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i love confessions
naomis_cuckold commonDateAgo
whenever my wife confesses to fucking other men or women its always during sex, she usually waits till i am licking her pussy and then starts telling me that another man has fucked her, this drives me wild with desire for her and the sex we have is amazing